Discovering how far Badrinath is from Kedarnath is an important part of understanding the geography of this region of India. This quick guide will help you understand the approximate distance and provide other important information about these two sites.

Overview of Kedarnath to Badrinath Distance.

Kedarnath and Badrinath are both pilgrimage sites located in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Kedarnath is located at an elevation of 3,585m and is roughly 41 km away from Badrinath, which has an elevation of 3,133m. The entire journey between these two locations can take 5-6 hours to complete depending on traffic and other factors.

Travel Mode and Times between Kedarnath and Badrinath.

Travelling between Kedarnath and Badrinath is possible by Road. Roads offer the more comfortable but can be quite time consuming, with a journey time up to 7 hours depending on traffic. Journey times typically ranging between 5-7 hours.

Important Tourist Attractions Along the Route.

Travelling from Kedarnath to Badrinath allows visitors to discover some of the most important religious sites in India, such as Ukhimath and Gaurikund, which are popular destinations for pilgrims. Both towns offer spectacular views of the surrounding landscape and a chance to witness traditional festivals and celebrations that take place throughout the year.

Tips and Advice for Drivers During the Journey.

Visitors driving from Kedarnath to Badrinath should be aware of the terrain and weather conditions that may affect the route. Driving during the night is not recommended due to poor visibility and dangerous road conditions. Drivers should also take regular breaks and keep a safe distance from other vehicles at all times. Weather and traffic can influence your estimated arrival time, so plan your journey accordingly. Make sure to carry an emergency kit in case of breakdowns or accidents.

Where to Eat along the Way from Kedarnath to Badrinath.

As you travel between Kedarnath and Badrinath, there are several eateries where you can take a break from the long drive. A few recommended spots include Old Delhi Masala, Pahalwan Hotel, Syama’s Place, and Panchayat Haveli Restaurant. All of these restaurants offer delicious local delicacies like Dal Makhani and Curry Rice. For those who favor more international cuisine, many of these eateries also offer Western dishes such as pizzas and pasta dishes. Most of the establishments provide warm hospitality and ample parking space for travelers to rest their legs while exploring the menu.

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